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$DHN is a multichain utility token that allows users to get the most out of the Dohrnii ecosystem. With a total supply of 332,000,000 DHN, the token plays a vital part in Dohrnii platform.


Was ist Dohrnii? — von Dadvan Yousuf

Was ist Dohrnii? — von Dadvan Yousuf

Was ist Dohrnii? — von Dadvan Yousuf Was ist «Dohrnii» Die Welt der Kryptowährungen schwankt zwischen Spekulation und Gier, aber auch Innovation und Fortschritt. Sie verbindet traditionelle Geldpolitik mit einer dezentralisierten Finanzarchitektur. Die zugrundeliegende Technologie fasziniert und bietet ein stabiles Fundament für neue Konzepte. Doch regulatorische Unklarheiten schaffen Unsicherheit und stellen Investoren sowie Unternehmer vor große Herausforderungen — selbst in Ländern, die sich als Vorreiter der Regulierung sehen. Krypto bietet unzählige Konzepte, Mechanismen, Risiken und Chancen — doch wo findet man eine zentrale, spielerische und unkomplizierte Lernplattform? Diese Frage stellte ich mir vor Jahren, als ich nach einer einfachen, verständlichen und zugänglichen Möglichkeit suchte, Wissen über Krypto und Finanzmärkte zu vermitteln. Doch eine solche Plattform existierte nicht — also musste sie geschaffen werden. So entstand Dohrnii. Der Name Dohrnii stammt von Turritopsis dohrnii, der „unsterblichen Qualle“, die ihren Alterungsprozess umkehren kann — ein Symbol für Erneuerung und unbegrenztes Wachstum. Diese Metapher war nicht nur Inspiration, sondern auch Herausforderung: Wie erschafft man eine Plattform, die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung ermöglicht? Dohrnii wurde 2021 gegründet — ursprünglich als Investment-Management-Tool, nicht als Bildungsplattform. Doch schnell holte mich die Realität ein: Die regulatorischen Hürden waren für einen 21-Jährigen nahezu unüberwindbar. Lizenzen, Finanzmarktaufsicht, bürokratische Hürden — der Aufbau einer solchen Plattform erforderte mehr Erfahrung und Ressourcen, als ich damals hatte. Doch diese Herausforderung führte zu einer neuen Erkenntnis: Bevor Menschen investieren, brauchen sie das nötige Wissen. So wurde Dohrnii neu definiert. Getreu dem Leitsatz „Financial education is a human right“ wandelte sich Dohrnii von einer Investment- zur Bildungsplattform — mit dem Ziel, Finanzwissen für alle zugänglich zu machen. Ein unerwarteter Gegner — Das SRF und die Rufmordkampagne Anfang 2022 kam es zu einem Wendepunkt in meiner Laufbahn. Das Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF) veröffentlichte einen Artikel mit dem reißerischen Titel „Der Krypto-Milliardär und seine fragwürdigen Transaktionen“. Darin wurde mir ohne jegliche Beweise eine Verbindung zu Terrorismusfinanzierung und betrügerischen Vereinigungen unterstellt — basierend auf einer anonymen Quelle. Diese falschen Vorwürfe setzten Schweizer Behörden unter öffentlichen Druck, Ermittlungen gegen mich einzuleiten. Es folgten Jahre der Prüfungen, Kontroversen und Rufschädigung. Doch im Oktober 2024 wurden die verantwortlichen Journalistinnen Charlotte Jacquemart und Stefanie Pauli rechtskräftig wegen übler Nachrede verurteilt — ein historischer Moment, da erstmals SRF-Journalisten verurteilt wurden. Damals war noch nicht bekannt, dass Pauli und Jacquemart einen persönlichen Rachefeldzug gegen mich führten. Doch ihre Anschuldigungen wurden ernst genommen — auch von der Eidgenössischen Finanzmarktaufsicht (FINMA). Im Mai 2022 gerieten Ich und die Dohrnii-Stiftung in Zug dann in den Fokus der FINMA. Über Nacht geriet unsere jahrelange Arbeit ins Wanken. Die FINMA ging mit einer in der Schweiz beispiellosen Härte gegen Dohrnii vor — der Hauptgrund? Meine Person. Ich war medial präsent und wurde als „jüngster Millionär der Schweiz“ betitelt — ein Bild, das nicht ins gewohnte Narrativ und die zurückhaltende Schweizer Mentalität passte. David gegen Goliath — Der Kampf gegen die FINMA Zwischen 2022 und 2023 glich unser Kampf einem modernen David-gegen-Goliath-Szenario — ein Einzelner gegen eine übermächtige Behörde. Es gab kein Entgegenkommen — es war ein harter Schlagabtausch. Ich äußerte mich öffentlich kritisch gegenüber der FINMA, und deren Chef ließ in einem Interview keinen Zweifel an seiner Haltung: Er habe “keine Angst, mir die Zähne zu zeigen”, ganz im Sinne einer offenen Konfrontation. Doch anstatt für Fairness und Transparenz im Finanzmarkt zu sorgen, offenbarte die FINMA eine wenig schmeichelhafte Seite und beschädigte ihr eigenes Ansehen. Man warf uns vor, dass die Plattform nie operativ war — doch wie hätte sie es sein können? Wenige Monate nach dem ICO griff die FINMA ohne Vorwarnung ein und untersagte jegliche weitere Tätigkeit. Per superprovisorischer Anordnung wurde alles abrupt gestoppt — ein vollständiger Stillstand. Von 2021 bis zum Abschluss des FINMA-Enforcement-Verfahrens 2023 hatte Dohrnii nur wenige Monate operative Freiheit. Von Beginn an versperrten regulatorischen Maßnahmen nahezu alle Wege. Nach dem Abschluss des FINMA-Verfahrens war nichts mehr übrig — außer Dohrnii. Doch genau darin lag seine Essenz: Transformation und Neuanfang. 2023 gelang Dohrnii der Wandel von einem gezeichneten, in die Jahre gekommenen Projekt zu einer erneuerten, zukunftsweisenden Plattform. Der Wendepunkt: der Launch der Dohrnii Academy — ein ambitioniertes Bildungsprojekt, das ausschließlich mit Entwicklern und Designern aus Kurdistan im Nordirak realisiert wurde. Ein Duolingo für Krypto Die Dohrnii Academy wurde schnell als das „Duolingo für Krypto“ gefeiert. Tausende Downloads in nur einer Nacht bestätigten den Erfolg des Ansatzes. Während Dohrnii wuchs, geriet ich persönlich ins Kreuzfeuer der Schweizer Medien. Die Berichterstattung des Schweizer Fernsehens machte mich zur umstrittenen Figur. Als mir klar wurde, dass der durch das SRF verursachte Schaden zu groß war, traf ich eine radikale Entscheidung: Im Februar 2023 trat ich als Präsident von Dohrnii zurück, um mich dem Kampf gegen das SRF zu widmen — ein Kampf, den ich gewann. Parallel dazu florierte Dohrnii weiter. Was einst als Projekt begann, wurde zur Realität. Heute ist Dohrnii mehr als eine Idee — es revolutioniert den Zugang zu Finanz- und Krypto-Bildung und befähigt eine neue Generation von Lernenden. Von Anfang an war Dohrnii mehr als nur ein Projekt — es war meine Vision. Ich habe es gegründet, aufgebaut und werde es mein Leben lang unterstützen. Doch heute ist es längst über mich hinausgewachsen. Es ist eine Bewegung — ein Symbol für den Kampf des Einzelnen gegen das große System. Dohrnii steht auf eigenen Beinen und hat sich seinen Platz erkämpft. Es ist nicht mehr nur ein ambitioniertes Vorhaben, sondern eine etablierte Realität. Doch jetzt beginnt die eigentliche Reise. Was einst eine Vision war, ist heute eine wachsende Plattform, die neue Maßstäbe setzt. Die Herausforderungen, die uns antrieben, bestehen weiterhin — aber Dohrnii ist bereit, ihnen zu begegnen. Der Weg ist noch lange nicht zu Ende. Es ist erst der Anfang. – Dadvan Yousuf

What is Dohrnii? — by Dadvan Yousuf

What is Dohrnii? — by Dadvan Yousuf

What is Dohrnii? — by Dadvan Yousuf What is “Dohrnii”? The world of cryptocurrencies swings between speculation and greed, but also innovation and progress. It bridges traditional monetary policy with a decentralized financial architecture. The underlying technology is fascinating and provides a stable foundation for new concepts. However, regulatory uncertainties create instability and pose major challenges for investors and entrepreneurs — even in countries that consider themselves pioneers of regulation. Crypto offers countless concepts, mechanisms, risks, and opportunities — but where can one find a central, engaging, and easy-to-use learning platform? This was the question I asked myself years ago when I searched for a simple, understandable, and accessible way to impart knowledge about crypto and financial markets. But such a platform did not exist — so it had to be created. This is how Dohrnii was born. The name Dohrnii comes from Turritopsis dohrnii, the “immortal jellyfish,” which can reverse its aging process — a symbol of renewal and limitless growth. This metaphor was not just an inspiration but also a challenge: How do you create a platform that enables continuous evolution? Dohrnii was founded in 2021 — not initially as an educational platform, but as an investment management tool. However, reality quickly caught up with me: The regulatory hurdles were almost insurmountable for a 21-year-old. Licenses, financial market supervision, bureaucratic barriers — the creation of such a platform required more experience and resources than I had at the time. But this challenge led to a new realization: Before people invest, they need the necessary knowledge. Thus, Dohrnii was redefined. True to the principle that “financial education is a human right,” Dohrnii transformed from an investment platform into an educational platform — with the goal of making financial knowledge accessible to everyone. An Unexpected Enemy — SRF and the Smear Campaign At the beginning of 2022, my career reached a turning point. Swiss Radio and Television (SRF) published an article with the title “The Crypto Billionaire and His Questionable Transactions.” The article, based on an anonymous source, accused me — without any evidence — of connections to terrorism financing and fraudulent organizations. These false accusations put Swiss authorities under public pressure to launch investigations against me. Years of scrutiny, controversy, and reputational damage followed. However, in October 2024, the responsible journalists, Charlotte Jacquemart and Stefanie Pauli, were legally convicted of defamation — a historic moment, as it marked the first time SRF journalists had been found guilty in court. At the time, it was not yet known that Pauli and Jacquemart were conducting a personal vendetta against me. But their accusations were taken seriously — even by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA). In May 2022, both I and the Dohrnii Foundation in Zug came under FINMA’s scrutiny. Overnight, our years of work were shaken. FINMA took an unprecedentedly harsh stance against Dohrnii — the main reason? My person. I was present in the media, labeled as “Switzerland’s youngest millionaire” — an image that did not fit the usual narrative or the reserved Swiss mentality. David vs. Goliath — The Battle Against FINMA Between 2022 and 2023, our struggle resembled a modern-day David-versus-Goliath scenario — an individual against an overbearing authority. There was no room for negotiation; it was a relentless confrontation. I publicly voiced criticism of FINMA, and its head made his stance clear in an interview, stating that he had “no fear of showing his teeth” — an open declaration of confrontation. However, rather than ensuring fairness and transparency in the financial market, FINMA revealed an unflattering side of itself and tarnished its own reputation. They accused us of never having an operational platform — but how could we? A few months after the ICO, FINMA intervened without warning and prohibited any further activities. By means of a super-provisional order, everything was abruptly halted — a complete shutdown. From 2021 until the conclusion of the FINMA enforcement proceedings in 2023, Dohrnii had only a few months of operational freedom. From the very beginning, regulatory measures blocked almost every path forward. After the FINMA proceedings concluded, nothing was left — except Dohrnii itself. But that was precisely its essence: transformation and new beginnings. In 2023, Dohrnii evolved from a beleaguered, outdated project into a renewed, forward-thinking platform. The turning point was the launch of the Dohrnii Academy — an ambitious educational project developed entirely with developers and designers from Kurdistan in northern Iraq. A “Duolingo” for Crypto The Dohrnii Academy was quickly celebrated as the “Duolingo for Crypto.” Thousands of downloads in a single night confirmed the success of the concept. As Dohrnii grew, I personally came under fire from the Swiss media. SRF’s reporting turned me into a controversial figure. When I realized the damage caused by SRF was too great, I made a radical decision: In February 2023, I stepped down as President of Dohrnii to focus on fighting the Swiss National TV (SRF) — a battle I won. Meanwhile, Dohrnii continued to thrive. What once began as a project had become a reality. Today, Dohrnii is more than an idea — it is revolutionizing access to financial and crypto education, empowering a new generation of learners. From the beginning, Dohrnii was more than just a project — it was my vision. I founded it, built it, and will support it for the rest of my life. But today, it has grown far beyond me. It has become a movement — a symbol of the individual’s fight against the system. Dohrnii now stands on its own and has earned its place. It is no longer just an ambitious undertaking but an established reality. Yet, the real journey is only beginning. What was once a vision is now a growing platform setting new standards. The challenges that drove us still persist — but Dohrnii is ready to face them. The road ahead is long. This is just the beginning. — Dadvan Yousuf

Dohrnii Labs to Buy Out All DHN Investors on BSC at Breakeven Price

Dohrnii Labs to Buy Out All DHN Investors on BSC at Breakeven Price

Commitment to Investor Protection Dohrnii Labs is taking a historic step by offering a full buyout to all DHN investors on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) at their breakeven price. This ensures that no investor incurs a loss on their initial investment, while maintaining stability within the DHN ecosystem. Unlike anything seen before in the crypto industry, Dohrnii Labs is actively compensating traders and speculators at their breakeven price — a precedent-setting move in a market where investors traditionally bear all risk. No project has ever initiated a buyout of an actively traded asset at breakeven, demonstrating an unprecedented commitment to investor protection and market integrity. The DHN buyout program is not just a compensation initiative but a structured liquidity aggregation process. Instead of directly transferring liquidity between chains, Dohrnii Labs is consolidating all DHN positions on BSC into a unified liquidity pool in USDT. By opting for a USDT-based buyout at breakeven, Dohrnii Labs achieves two critical objectives: Full Liquidity Aggregation — All DHN holdings on BSC are converted into a single, stable liquidity reserve in USDT, rather than leaving fragmented liquidity across multiple chains. Zero Sell Pressure on DHN (Ethereum) — Since investors are compensated in USDT instead of DHN, there is no additional sell pressure on the Ethereum market, ensuring price stability. This initiative applies to all 1,228 holders of DHN on Binance Smart Chain, including those who bridged their tokens from VET rather than purchasing through PancakeSwap. Understanding the Buyout - Total Amount Spent on DHN (BSC) Buys (May 2024 — Feb 2025): $126,851.40 - Average Buy Amount Per Transaction: $12.51 - Total Transactions in This Period: 10,140 Since trading started in May 2022, we estimate that the total amount spent on DHN buys from May 2022 to Feb 2025is approximately $547,079, considering 30% higher trading volume in early days. To ensure transparency, here’s how we reached this estimate: Total Trading Period: 33 months Recent Trading Period (with known data from Dextools): 9.3 months Assumed Volume Increase in Early Trading: 30% higher Projected Total Transactions in Early Trading: 33,661 Estimated Total Amount Spent in Early Period: $420,228 Adding both periods together: Total Estimated Amount Spent on DHN Buys Since May 2022: $547,079 How the Buyout Works Eligibility Criteria All DHN holders who purchased DHN on BSC or bridged from VET to BSC. The buyout covers every transaction at its breakeven price, ensuring no investor incurs a loss. 2. Breakeven Price Calculation The breakeven price will be calculated based on each investor’s total purchase price rather than market fluctuations. Example Calculation for an Investor: Investor “A” purchased 10,000 DHN at $0.08 per DHN Total Investment: $800 If the current market price is $0.0009, they would normally have a $791 loss Under this buyout, Dohrnii Labs will compensate at the full $800 breakeven price 3. Payout Process Investors will submit proof of purchase Dohrnii Labs will verify transaction history Funds will be distributed to investors’ wallet How to Initiate the Buyout Process To begin the buyout process, DHN BSC investors must follow these steps carefully: Step 1: Submit Buy-In Transactions via Email Investors must send an email to [email protected] with the subject line: “DHN BSC Buyout Request — [Your Wallet Address]”. The email should include: Proof of purchase (TXIDs), such as transaction history showing the original DHN buy-in transactions on BSC. The BSC wallet(s) used for the purchases. An Ethereum wallet with DHN (if the investor requests the fast-track payout option). Step 2: Verification by Dohrnii Labs Once the email is received, the Dohrnii Labs team will review and validate the submitted transactions. Investors will receive a confirmation email upon approval. Step 3: Transfer DHN on BSC After verification, investors must send their entire DHN balance on BSC to the designated wallet address provided in the confirmation email. It is the investor’s responsibility to ensure accuracy, as transactions cannot be reversed. Step 4: Pay the Processing Fee A processing fee of 250 USDT (ERC-20) must be sent to the designated USDT wallet address provided in the confirmation email. This fee covers administrative costs, as each case requires manual verification and processing. Step 5: Final Confirmation and Payout Processing Once both the DHN (BSC) transfer and the USDT processing fee have been received, investors will receive a final confirmation. The USDT payout will then be processed based on the following timeline: Investors who do not hold DHN on Ethereum: USDT payout within 16 months Investors holding 50 DHN on Ethereum: USDT payout within 14 months Investors holding 100 DHN on Ethereum: USDT payout within 12 months Investors holding 250 DHN on Ethereum: USDT payout within 10 months Investors holding 500 DHN on Ethereum: USDT payout within 8 months Investors holding 1,000 DHN on Ethereum: USDT payout within 6 months Investors holding 10,000 DHN on Ethereum: USDT payout within 1 month Once the payout is processed, Dohrnii Labs will send the USDT (ERC-20) to the designated Ethereum wallet provided by the investor. Reinvestment of Processing Fees into DHN Buybacks and Liquidity on Uniswap Every 250 USDT processing fee collected as part of the buyout process will be reinvested into the DHN/USDT market on Uniswap, ensuring both price support and long-term liquidity for DHN on Ethereum. Allocation of Processing Fees The collected USDT fees will be distributed as follows: 50% for DHN Buybacks on Uniswap: Half of the collected USDT will be used to buy DHN/USDT on Uniswap, increasing demand and supporting price stability. 50% for Liquidity Addition on Uniswap: The remaining half will be used to add liquidity to the DHN/USDT pair, pairing the acquired DHN with USDT to enhance market depth and reduce slippage. By reinvesting the processing fees in this way, Dohrnii Labs ensures that the buyout not only compensates BSC investors but also strengthens the overall trading environment for DHN on Ethereum. Disclaimer Dohrnii Labs is not responsible for any trading losses incurred by investors. This buyout initiative is being offered voluntarily as a goodwill measure, not out of any obligation. Dohrnii Labs holds no responsibility for individual trading activity, market fluctuations, or financial decisions made by investors. This buyback solution applies to DHN BSC trades executed until February 10, 2025, at 10:30 CET (Central European Time). Any trades made after this time will not be considered for the breakeven buyout program. The buyback process will remain open for a limited period of 30 days, running from February 10, 2025, to March 12, 2025. Dohrnii Labs reserves the right to apply cliffs, vesting schedules, and lock-up periods to the payout, as previously communicated. After the 30 days period, the offer will no longer be available. Once an investor sends their DHN on BSC to Dohrnii Labs as part of the buyout process, there is no possibility of reclaiming the tokens under any circumstances, even if the market price of DHN (BSC) increases significantly after the transaction. Furthermore, Dohrnii Labs has no obligation to bridge any investor’s DHN on BSC to DHN on Ethereum and no responsibility to cover any investor’s losses beyond the terms outlined in this initiative. Investors participate in this process at their own discretion, acknowledging the terms and conditions set forth by Dohrnii Labs. - Dohrnii Labs Team

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